ATIA National Conference

ATIA International Taxi Conference

Dates:  5-8 August 2025
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel
City:     Adelaide
State:   South Australia


Register Online   Registration Form (PDF)   Book Accommodation

Business Program  Social Program  Conference Handbook

The ATIA’s annual conferences are the Australian taxi industry’s premier event and a great opportunity for our members and transportation alliance associates to get together. The 2025 year conference will again have something to offer all stakeholders in the point-to-point passenger transport industry – booking/dispatch companies, small and large fleet operators, licence holders and drivers from across the country, as well as overseas.   It will also provide a great opportunity for Australian and International trade suppliers to showcase their products and services in a professional and safe environment.

The ATIA’s 2025 International Taxi Conference in Adelaide is shaping up to be a great opportunity for the industry to come together and plan for the future.  It will have –

  • top class speakers talking on matters of consequence and interest,
  • leading edge technology, products and services on display in an accompanying expo,
  • a venue with state of the art facilities, and
  • a great location that promises to be beautiful one day and then perfect the next.

The Business Program will run from Tuesday 5 August to Thursday 7 August 2025.  Once again around the theme, “innovate … innovate … innovate”, attendees can expect to be challenged to explore new beginnings, updated on emerging global trends, encouraged to adopt the latest technological innovations, all for the end game of promoting an industry focussed on growth and delivery of the best possible taxi services for Australian communities.  

The Social Program for conference partners will take advantage of Adelaide’s crisp winter climate, charming lifestyle, and foodie reputation.  Whether you are interested in wineries in the Adelaide Hills or looking for fun, entertainment, and fine dining experiences, South Australia’s capital city has it all right on your doorstep.   Conference partners will be able to enjoy good company as they venture out to explore some of the local hidden treasures. 

Lastly, for those who can stay on for an extra day, Friday 8 August has been set aside for a combined outing for Delegates and Partners. It will be great day for relaxed networking, for final good-byes, and a last chance to enjoy the island lifestyle before returning home to the daily grind.

So make sure you reserve space in your calendar to attend the ATIA’s 2025 International Taxi Conference.

For conference registration enquiries, please contact:

phone: 1800 814 611

For more details about the business and social programs, or opportunities to sponsor or exhibit at the conference, please contact:

Australian Taxi Industry Association
phone: 07 3339 3196